
世界美术家协会(WAA)是一个专业会员组织。 其使命是提供一个具有全球水准的平台,从而交流、推广和服务世界各地的美术家。 从旧石器时代的史前艺术到今天的iPad手指艺术,我们很容易发现世界上最好的语言是艺术。 因此,无论您来自何方; 艺术是将我们联系在一起并使我们保持亲密关系的桥梁。 我们想与您成为朋友……

Our main social media account WAA is verified (Blue Checkmark) by one of the world's biggest social media sites Twitter

The WAA is a lower fee* and higher unique elements association. There are three membership levels in our program currently. They are 专业美术家 (金牌级)、 业余美术家/美术爱好者 (银牌级)和 美术院校学生 (铜牌级)。您可能会找到符合您的会员级别。
*Although almost all prices worldwide are rising, the WAA still maintains the original application fees and continues to temporarily waive membership fees for the development of the world’s art.


(click on the images for details)
