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The WAA International Art Competition 2023-2024 is CLOSED.


As a member, you can join our International Art Competitions and may have the opportunity to display your artistic talents to the world. All our competitions are FREE for our members. You may follow our upcoming competitions to participate.


The WAA International Art Competition 2023-2024 is closed for entries.

O objetivo da competição
Promoção da arte mundial

Quem pode entrar
Any of the WAA member artists who have completed and published their WAA Gallery pages may enter. (We don't accept non-members' artists and artworks for the WAA International Art Competition 2023-2024.)

The WAA International Art Competition is a membership competition held by the World Association of Artists (WAA) in the USA. This competition is aimed at encouraging our gallery artists to emphasize and develop unique artistic language, visual style, and creative form in their works.

When a Member submits his/her self-portrait, three (3) own artworks, an artist bio, and artwork information for reviewing and evaluating, and he/she also builds (publishes) his/her self-portrait and at least one (1) own artwork (with an artist bio and artwork information) for the WAA Gallery, the submission will automatically participate in the WAA International Art Competition after completing his/her gallery page. The WAA will notify the final winners through their emails and post the winners list and their artworks on the WAA Competition site and/or social media websites. The WAA will also issue the official WAA Winner Certificates to all winners on the WAA website.

When an artist joined the WAA, if only providing parts of the required participating submission and/or three links of work (without submitting a self-portrait, three (3) own artworks, an artist bio, and artwork information for reviewing and evaluating), he/she is not eligible to participate in the WAA International Art Competition. In addition, if an artist has registered as a WAA member but has not submitted his/her self-portrait, artworks, and others by the deadline, he/she is also not eligible to participate in the competition. Therefore, the competition deadline is not the due date to register for the WAA membership.
*See the "", “Submitting Artwork for Gallery”, "The WAA International Art Competition", “Liability”, and other sections of the Terms of Service for details.


Médio e categoria
Todos os meios e categorias de artes visuais

Local de Submissão (Only official place)
IMPORTANT: The submission must be indicated as the participant's work, and each entry must be labeled "COMPETITION," "Title," and "Participant Name" (e.g., "COMPETITION_Mona Lisa_Leonardo da Vinci"). If not, the submission will not be reviewed.

Deadline** of Submitting Self-portrait, Artworks, Artist Bio, and Work Info, etc.
31 de janeiro de 2025, às 23h59, Capital dos EUA/Horário do Leste (ET)
**Não é o prazo final para inscrição como membro da WAA.

Notificação dos vencedores
On or about February 27, 2025

All entries that meet the requirements will be reviewed and assessed by WAA. The Judging decision is final.

Todos os prêmios concedidos
Dependendo do número de artistas e obras participantes, os seguintes prêmios podem ser considerados:

Artistic Contribution Award Winner*** (The winners must be the member artists who have received two or more times WAA GOLD Awards.)
***This special award is for: The artist who keeps making progress and outstanding contributions to excellence in art creation.

5-Star Artist Diamond Award Winner (The winners must be the member artists who have received two or more times WAA GOLD Awards.)

Vencedor do GOLD Award (cerca de 5 artistas profissionais, +/-)
Vencedor do Prêmio SILVER (Cerca de 5 Artistas Amadores, +/-)
Vencedor do Prêmio BRONZE (Cerca de 5 Estudantes Artistas, +/-)

Todos os vencedores receberão apenas os certificados oficiais WAA Winner.

Taxa de entrada
O membro WAA: GRATUITO para entrar
Non-member: $65 per artwork. (However, we don't accept non-members' artwork for the WAA International Art Competition 2023-2024.)

Critérios Básicos de Julgamento
· Originalidade e perspicuidade do assunto único
· Conceito e composição da qualidade geral
· Descrição e interpretação da impressão estética, etc.

direito autoral
The submission must be the participating artist’s original artwork created solely by him/herself. (He/she must be the 100% copyright owner.)

Agreeing and Granting
All participants have read, understood, and agreed to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Also, all participants agree and grant that the WAA, etc. can use their submissions in any and all manner and media and that the WAA, etc. shall have the right to authorize third parties to do so as well. (Any basic and/or primary rules are the same as the sections of "Submitting Artwork for Gallery", “”, and other parts of the Terms of Service.*)
*See the "", “Submitting Artwork for Gallery”, "The WAA International Art Competition", “Liability”, and other sections of the Terms of Service for details.

Para quaisquer políticas de privacidade, consulte nossa Política de Privacidade.

Devido às restrições do governo dos EUA, a WAA não pode aceitar quaisquer associações de nível e inscrições para concursos de arte da Síria, Irã, Coréia do Norte ou Crimeia, etc.

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