Submitting Your Pieces of Art for Artwork Diagnosis


Please DO NOT USE this page if you want to submit artwork for Gallery and/or Evaluation. SUBMIT your ARTWORK(S) with the related DOCUMENT(S) at: Thank you!

For Artwork Diagnosis Only

You may submit any kind of artworks (such as Painting, Ceramics, Graphic Design, Drawing, Mixed Media, Photography, Sculpture, Digital Art, or others).

The first one artwork will be the FREE diagnosis for our members (for each membership year). After that, the current member can enjoy a special discount price for each extra artwork. (And we temporarily do not accept non-members’ artwork diagnosis.)


  1. Введите свое имя и адрес электронной почты в поле «Ваше имя" и "Ваш адрес электронной почтыполя.
  2. Fill your artwork title(s) in the “Post Content” field with briefly describing your artwork(s) (for example: What type of materials and mediums were chosen to create your artwork? Why? Where did you get inspiration for creating this work? What are your original purpose, unique theme, and target viewers? What do you expect your viewers of feeling, thinking, and resonating?).
  3. Submit your artwork for diagnosis at a resolution of 100 DPI, a MINIMUM FILE SIZE of 500×500 Pixels, and a MAXIMUM FILE SIZE of 700×700 Pixels (0.5 MB). Important: we can only accept jpegs. Please do not submit other format files. If you do so your submission will not be reviewed and diagnosed. Label your artwork with the “DIAGNOSIS“, “Title”, and “Your Name” (for example, “DIAGNOSIS_Mona Lisa_Leonardo da Vinci»).